About the Feedback & Requests category

Use this category to post suggestions for the 3dverse developers. Or report any issues with a service and tools. We love hearing suggestions from our users.

Hello, I’m trying to use your tools for the first time because it looks amazing, however I’m having some issues. I tested 4 template projects (3rd person, 1st person, IFC viewer and DICOM viewer) as well as an empty project, since I’m still in a discovery phase, and even though I followed the “get started” pages thoroughly, I wasn’t able to move the character in the 1st and 3rd person projects (the 3rd person project is also spawning the camera inside the floor).

The scene starts up and connects nicely, the player character spawns correctly, my inputs are recognized correctly from what I’ve seen, but no movement happens. In the IFC and DICOM projects though, I was able to move around and test normally. I’m wondering if there’s a missing step, or some recent update that causes this behaviour, but from the guides (and videos) it was supposed to work, maybe a browser issue? (I’m using chrome)

Nevertheless, I won’t stop trying to make it work just yet, sounds like too good of a tool to give up. Thanks in advance, hope to hear from you soon!